When you're curious, you find lots of things to do. ~ Walt Disney
We're going to have a great year using design thinking where making mistakes is welcomed and curiosity is a must. Students will be engaged in many challenges using the following process:
1. Ask Questions- What is a problem?
2. Imagine- What are the answers to the problem? Brainstorm. Pick the best one.
3. Plan- Draw your plan.
4. Create - Build a model using your plan.
5. Test/Improve- Test model. What can you change to make it better?
6. Share- Share the results with others.

Students will be collaborating and working with classmates to create models. They will share their ideas with each other. STEM learning involves critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and citizenship. Students are expected to show growth in these areas. Everyone is expected to do their best and learn from mistakes.
Everyone is expected to work on being GREAT citizens. (G-Growth- Show growth. R- Repect- be respectful. E- Empahty- demonstrate empathy toward others. A- Accountability- Be accountable for your actions. T- Trustworthy- Be a truth teller. Be trustworthy.)
I'm so excited to learn alongside your child. It's going to be a fantastic year filled with STEM challenges and learning.
Please know that I am here for you and your child. You matter. Please feel free to communicate with me. The best ways to contact me are as follows:
E-Mail: phall@iwcs.k12.va.us
Contact Form: Click here (Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to the "contact" box.)
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Check out the welcome video here.
Thank you.
Have a wonderful day.
Mrs. Pamela Hall :)