Thank you to all that participated in the “Create Your Own Invention” STEM family project. It’s been exciting to see the students' inventions and interests. They were amazing! Our Junior Engineers shared their projects with confidence and inspired others to create inventions. The innovation and family communication was fabulous. One student beamed and stated, "I used a real screw gun with my mom."
Students learned about each other through listening and presenting. Some are fired up about exploring engineering as a career. I'm so pleased and proud of all the students. This was a huge success because of you. Thank you for supporting your child and STEM. (The projects are displayed in the lobby and will be sent home after Thanksgiving.)
There were so many great inventions and projects that it truly was a challenge to choose just one photo to feature. I've selected several; however, I loved them all. You and your child should be so proud of the process and outcome. All were wonderful and all students that participated had the spotlight as they shared with their class. Then, their invention was displayed for all to see.
This month has been filled with sensational engineering challenges. CAES celebrated National STEM/STEAM day by integrating STEM learning and STEM challenges throughout the school. National STEM Day was November 8th. (We celebrated on the 7th. However, at CAES, STEM is an everyday habit.) Join in the fun! Click here to find out more ways to celebrate STEM day with your family.
Enjoy this list to integrate STEM into your family life.

Pre-K and Kindergarten
Pre-K and kindergarten students listened to stories and made connections to their world. They constructed turkeys for turkey racing. They had to think like an engineer to decide what features would make the turkey go the fastest.
First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grade
Students had to solve the problem of Farmer Brown's turkeys getting loose. They were tasked to imagine, plan, create, test & improve a turkey trap. They had to share their prototype and explain how it worked.
Engineers solve real world problems.
Our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade engineers did the following:
Explored cattle flight zones, and worked as agricultural engineers to design a corral system that uses the research of Dr. Temple Grandin.
It has been a wonderful month of learning, problem solving, failing forward, innovation, and discovery.
As always, your children are a treat to teach. I'm thankful for them. Please enjoy the break to spend valuable time together making memories.
Have a wonderful day.
Mrs. Pamela Hall