Wow, November seemed to Zoom by in more ways than one. Literally as we Zoomed with our virtual Cardinals and figuratively as it seemed to fly by quickly. December is here!
2nd and 3rd grade virtual students learned all about conductors and insulators. They designed and created an invention to keep ice cream cool on a warm day.
Kindergarten and first grade students designed and created Lego mazes and Lego traps to catch a Thanksgiving turkey. Of course, we read a book you can find on the Epic App, How to Catch a Turkey as a springboard to their engineering design challenge.
Second and Third grade students used a variety of materials to construct and explain a turkey trap.
Kindergarten and first grade students learned about various types of engineers such as civil engineers, mechanical, electrical, and computer. They also learned about types of jobs each engineer performs. They learned civil engineers use foundations, support, and balance when designing buildings. Students created tall and strong towers implementing foundations, support, and balance. They also learned to keep trying when their designs didn't work. Mistakes are for learning!
2nd and 3rd grade students continue to learn about simple machines. They learned to name and locate six simple machines: lever, wedge, wheel & axel, incline plane (ramp), screw, and pulley. They found all six simple machines on a Hess truck and loader. They learned that the Hess truck and loader were compound machines. (They are machines made up of multiple simple machines.) Additionally, they made a connection to their world. They found examples of simple machines such as a pulley is on a flag pole and a wedge is a doorstop.
They also used their knowledge of simple machines to lift a pumpkin in the air without touching it. Most students designed and created a pulley, others created sleds and levers. It was wonderful to see them use critical thinking skills and their knowledge of simple machines to design and create a simple machine to perform a task.
Wonderful opportunity.
Computer Science Education Week is coming up once again this December from the 7th to the 13th! Unlike a one day launch event like CodeVA has hosted in previous years, this year we have an entire virtual week of speakers, family nights, kids activities, and sessions for educators. We can’t wait to #BringCSHome with you!
Learn More CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! It is free.
To register, use your school name, Carrollton Elementary School.
There will be no December newsletter as we continue these same skills through the month.
Have a wonderful holiday season and remember engineering is everywhere you look.
Stay curious.
Mrs. Pamela Hall