Students and families were all smiles 😃 during our Family STEM Night held January 26, 2023. (Please see some photos from the event down below.) We truly couldn't have pulled off this night of fun and STEM exploration without the help of our community partners.
We extend a special thank you to the following:
Smithfield High School BETA Club under the leadership of Julie Eng
Smithfield High School Robotics/Engineering Students under the leadership of Heather Greer
Back Bay Amateur Astronomers
Isle of Wight County 4-H Extension
Isle of Wight County Farm Bureau
Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom
Virginia Tech Tidewater Research Extension
Nansemond Beekeepers Association
Because of their support, students viewed the moon, tried out beekeeper equipment, learned the importance of bees, learned about bugs and peanuts, made bioplastic, learned the source of our food, fuel, and fiber through a fun hands-on game, and navigated robots. Not to mention numerous self-guided STEM exploration stations.
It was delightful to hear kids and adults alike exclaim, "I saw the moon!"
Students had so much fun through STEM exploration stations, a third grader inquired at the end of the event, "Are we going to do this tomorrow? I loved this!"
I observed a special gleam in students' eyes as they proudly introduced me to their family. The next morning, a first grader ran up to me and announced, "I saw you at STEM Night, and my parents saw you too."
These comments alone remind me of the importance of involving families, holding community events, and bonding relationships beyond our school walls.
Thank you to all who came out. The students are still talking about it, and they're already excited for the next Family STEM Night. 😃
Remember, engineering is everywhere you look, mistakes are for learning, and to stay curious.
💕 Mrs. Pamela Hall
P.S. While it may have looked like kids just playing, the following are some skills students learned while exploring STEM Stations:
Fantastic discussions as families worked together to solve STEM challenges increases vocabulary and background knowledge
Community Connections & relationship building
Critical Thinking skills
Problem solving skills
Exploration at each child's own level
Use of the scientific process
Use of the engineering process
Integrated learning of science, technology, engineering, & mathematics
Students taking on the role of teacher to engage their family
Creativity, communication, collaboration, and citizenship